In Sardinia the clinics closed are almost 400 and this year 136 doctors will retire . Tens of thousands of patients without assistance from Nuorese to Sulcis, from Marghine to Sassarese, from Gallura to Ogliastra, from Oristano to the whole center-south.

"Unfortunately, time is continuing to waste - the words of Umberto Nevisco, secretary of Fimmg, the Federation of family doctors - The Local Health Authorities and the Region must hurry to identify the lacking offices and give the assignments. Now they are giving them to the most important centers. large, the doctors have already accepted, but it is a picture that is still in 2020. All the locations that were lacking in 2021, more than 300, have yet to be identified and assigned; and we must hurry up to fill the void of 2022 ".

THE SIT-IN - Protest sit-in in front of the entrance to the emergency and urgency department of San Giuseppe di Isili of the mayors of Escolca, Nuragus, Seulo, Sadali, Gergei, Villanova Tulo, some minority councilors of the Municipality of Isili and all the unions, Nursind, Cisl Fp, Uil, Cgil Spi, plus the hospital chaplain Don Antonio Demurtas and the parish priest of Nuragus and Nurallao Don Valerio Casula.

The hospital emergency room closes every day at 8pm and reopens at 8am the next morning . In that period of time it is forbidden to feel bad.

"This - said the mayor of Escolca and regional minority councilor Eugenio Lai - is intended to be a response to the commercials that at the moment someone is launching on social platforms by playing on people's health . We need programming that guarantees the provisions of the ministerial decree" .

IN ORISTANO - At San Martino di Oristano there are not enough doctors to cover the shifts . The head of the emergency and urgency department, in recent days, was forced to work almost twenty hours in a row: no colleague could replace her. An unforeseen event is enough to blow the shifts, with the inconveniences spreading like wildfire in all departments.


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