It was dawn on Christmas Eve when he received the dramatic news from the Sirai hospital: his mother, Peppina Pirosu, 72, had died: «She suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which had also caused her severe heart disease. We treated her with a thousand sacrifices at home until, on December 3, she contracted Covid like my father and me. Her health conditions, already very precarious, worsened, so we had her hospitalized», explains her daughter, Francesca Francesconi.

The greatest pain was also another: « Someone must explain to us why in December 2022, when those who have contracted Covid can freely move anywhere, a family must be deprived of the possibility of assisting a loved one who is about to die and must live the torment of not being able to greet him even when dead ».

Giba 's family knew that he would not be able to see the 72-year-old in the first few days, "since we too were positive", the updates on the conditions were so regular that, with the progressive improvements, he was expected to be discharged for Christmas.

But the relatives, even if they were now negative, could not see Peppina, "we were unable to obtain consent due to the strict hospital regulations".

It wasn't possible to take her home, they were told, then " for five days no one called us and no one answered the phone. Until we managed to find out that mom was in a coma ».

Finally the tragic news at 2 in the morning on December 24: «We prepared his clothes but we were told that they were useless: the practice states that if a person is positive at the time of death, it must end , as happened in 2020 when the Covid she was an unmanageable monster, naked inside a plastic bag. A final outrage on us and on a poor woman who has been denied the right to die holding the hand of her daughters and husband .'

It's not over: the last prank in the mortuary.


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