Senator Maurizio Gasparri arrives in Sassari to support Gavino Mariotti, the centre-right candidate in the municipal elections in June.

This morning at Villino Ricci the group leader of Forza Italia in the Senate participated in the meeting with the party leaders and the candidates from the Azzurri list.

«Let's start again from the administrative elections - he declared - to demonstrate, also in the regional elections, that the centre-right coalition is prevalent in this region. We are convinced that we will play a winning match."

Gasparri focused on the problem of wind power. «We need an energetic future. I am for nuclear power because it takes up less space and, with new technologies, involves fewer risks. These shovels everywhere don't fascinate me." As for Ilaria Salis, recently placed under house arrest in Hungary: "It's the father who's doing the can-can."

The meeting focused on the investigation against Mariotti as part of the Monte Nuovo investigation. «This is an alleged abuse of office for the appointment of a head physician - said the rector - but you have all seen the timing of what happened. Perhaps, dear candidates, we are scaring someone."

Full solidarity also on the part of the MP from Nuoro and regional coordinator of FI Pietro Pittalis : «Gavino, go ahead - these are his words - because in a democratic state it cannot be the judiciary that says who is inside and outside of politics».

Mariotti reiterated the guidelines of his program and the importance of intercepting the funds made available by the European community. «Senator - he said, turning to Gasparri - the government needs to help us. The important thing will then be to be able to design according to the rules established by Europe."

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