Today, in Piazza Liori, the first "Città di Capoterra" vintage car rally took place, a fascinating event skilfully organized by the Old Car Friends association , with the precious support of the municipal administration. The square saw the presentation of over 40 vintage vehicles , coming not only from the Cagliari hinterland but also from some corners of the United Kingdom , with some authentic British gems.

The event kicked off at 9.30 with an opening ceremony that captured the attention of enthusiasts and curious people present. Giuseppe Tamponi , one of the organizers and soul of the association, shared the story of Old Car Friends: «The association was born in Assemini from the desire and passion to bring together many people to relive the golden years of motoring». An initiative that has proven to be much more than a car rally, but a real journey through time through the history of four wheels .

The success of the event was manifested through the diversity of the cars on display, from the elegant Maseratis to the iconic Fiat 500s , up to one of the most prestigious Lancia Aprilias in Italy. The over 40 vehicles crossed an evocative route, from Poggio dei Pini to Torre degli Ulivi, passing through La Maddalena and returning to the starting point. A journey that allowed enthusiasts to admire these authentic works of art in movement, transported into a unique atmosphere.

Giuseppe Tamponi concluded the day with optimism, underlining the hope that this first gathering is only the beginning of a series of similar events in the city of Capoterra, full of vintage cars of inestimable value. «We wanted to give this community a unique experience, and today's success is a sign that there is great interest in events of this type here. We hope to organize many more and continue to celebrate the passion for vintage cars together."

The event ended with a convivial lunch, a moment of sharing between enthusiasts and the curious, consolidating the bond between people united by a love for historic cars.

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