«Pain, ferocity, exodus, death, live again on this day and on this anniversary. Keeping the hatred and ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Tito communism engraved in one's mind is a duty and the only way we have to do justice to all the victims of the barbaric ferocity of the Foibe and of the Julian-Dalmatian exodus after World War II.

Thus the President of the Region, Christian Solinas , on the "Day of remembrance" which is celebrated today in Italy, addressing a thought to the thousands of victims of the sinkholes , including the Sardinian families involved in one of the bloodiest, most violent and inhuman massacres that history remembers .

Among the victims , Solinas continues, «there were at least 140 Sardinians , soldiers, miners from Sulcis who came from Carbonia to work hard in the Istrian mines, civil servants. It is to their families that the moved thoughts of the entire Regional Council go, together with the firm condemnation of all forms of totalitarianism".

"The horror of the Foibe cannot be forgotten - adds Solinas - and it is precisely by feeding the memory and the memory that we can avoid the repetition of such atrocious and bloody facts ".

"Today more than ever - the conclusion - we have a duty not to forget this dramatic page of history for too long hidden and, even, denied to an authentic narrative free from ideologies".


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