Paralysis risk for the emergency rooms in Sardinia, put under pressure by a large daily number of new cases of Covid and by requests for assistance from tourists arriving on the island. And there is also the problem of the shortage of personnel, also in part infected.

There is a shortage of doctors in every sector: from the basic ones to those of the ordinary and tourist medical service, there are many vacant positions and there is no one who can fill them. This is why many patients turn to the emergency room and the consequence is the lengthening of waiting times.

A proposal could be to include in every emergency room a medical guard for white and green codes, the less serious ones, so as to allow emergency personnel to devote themselves to the red and yellow codes.

And then the invitation to families to equip themselves with a pulse oximeter, with a saturation of 98 percent, is underlined, you can be treated at home with the telephone instructions of the general practitioner, letting those who are fragile patients go to the emergency room. or is in serious condition.


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