The Ris Carabinieri are evaluating the first elements collected today in the house of Michele Fresi, the young man from Arzachena accused of killing his father Giovanni last December 26th.

The specialized personnel of the Carabinieri were tasked with reconstructing the crime, starting from the attack by Michele Fresi against his girlfriend. The girl was apparently hit with a violent blow to the face right inside Michele Fresi's apartment.

But the objective of the investigators is also another: to find irrefutable proof of the young man's responsibility in his father's murder. It should be remembered that there are no eyewitnesses to the fatal attack of Giovanni Fresi and the alleged parricide did not admit his responsibilities, at least when validating the arrest. The investigators' work is still long. Michele Fresi's defender, the lawyer Pier Franco Tirotto, is on site.

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