The pensioner from Quartucciu who was burned last night in the fire at his home in Sant'Isidoro , on the old Sardinian Orientale, is doing better.

The wounds on the hands, legs and other parts of the body are not deep and the man, among other things, did not lose consciousness during the rescue operations by the police and the mobile radio operations unit of the Carabinieri Company of Quartu who acted under the directions of captains Michele Cerri and Ignazio Cabras.

The same soldiers and firefighters carried out a thorough inspection of the ruins to trace the causes of the fire.

The fire was probably caused by gas leaking from the cylinder of a small appliance that the pensioner had lit to heat the rooms and which triggered the large explosion and therefore the flames that demolished part of the same house.

Other cylinders were recovered in the courtyard but did not explode.

The site has been made safe, but obviously remains unusable.

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