Even the president of the Region Christian Solinas and the mayor of Cagliari Paolo Truzzu sign the petition promoted by Coldiretti against synthetic foods .

The association itself made it known, underlining that there are more and more adhesions to the collection of signatures launched throughout Italy. The two representatives of the institutions join the president of the regional council Michele Pais and the "many Sardinians who have already said no to food prepared in the laboratory".

At a national level, more than 500,000 signatures have been received, many of which have been collected on the island .

«The large participation is demonstrating how quality and Made in Italy products, especially those with zero kilometer and traditional origins, are the most appreciated by Sardinians and Italians », comments the president of Coldiretti Sardegna, Battista Cualbu , recalling that the The association "presented a bill to the Italian government" and underlined that "the mobilization in defense of healthy food will continue".

The director of Coldiretti Sardegna Luca Saba : " It is necessary to defend the products of our agri-food sector and the health of Italians from aggressions that come from foods that are anything but safe , as confirmed by authoritative scientific studies".

As many as 53 are the potential risks of synthetic foods, according to a document produced by the FAO and WHO. These include allergies and cancer .


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