Ozieri emergency room, company deed, transfers of doctors.

These are among the topics that Flavio Sensi, general manager of Asl Sassari , dealt with this morning, in the Angioy Room of the Province, during the territorial social-health conference in the presence of the councilor Carlo Doria and the mayors of the area .

«The night closure of the Ozieri unit is due to a concomitance of the joint absence of staff that cannot be planned or avoided. There have been furloughs that the judge has imposed on us, plus illnesses of the staff. However, within the next few days we will also recover some new units from the Ares competition ranking and perhaps also from a mobility that we activated at the time ».

As also attested by former Senator Doria, no "rejection" by the Region has taken place on the company deed. «There was only the compliance verification of some steps. Basically, the Company's organizational structure was confirmed as I proposed it and, consequently, the procedural process provides that between this week and next there will be definitive approval with some modifications and additions. I specify that the hospital part, the one concerning Alghero and Ozieri, has been fully implemented ».

On the transfers of doctors, the general director communicates his intention to involve the prefect «to start a relationship of collaboration and planning with the labor judge for reasons of safety and public order. It is clear that if a measure, or several measures together, involve the interruption of essential services such as that of an emergency room or a ward, then it is right that it be explained to the judges who, very often, cannot and are unable to enter into the immediate merits of individual situations".

Again Sensi announces, at the end of the session, that, within a few weeks, "the community hospital of Ittiri will be operational".

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