Crowd for Elly Schlein tonight in Piazza Tola in Sassari. The national secretary of the Democratic Party concluded the blitz in Sardinia in support of the candidates for the upcoming municipal and European elections in front of hundreds of people.

«Let's go and win here, in Alghero and Sorso», he chanted at the end of a speech lasting about half an hour in which he discussed some issues such as the migrations that Sardinians are forced to undergo in order to work.

But, above all, he attacked Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on several occasions. "You cannot enjoy the benefits of the European community - he stated, referring to the FdI leader - if you do not share its values".

Then the basic topics such as the minimum wage, the imperative to abolish free internships and even a declaration on LGBTQ rights: "I won't let the right tell me who I should love or marry!", he shouted amidst applause, immediately afterwards making a excursus on the international scene, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Healthcare was also at the center of the discussion. A healthcare system that according to Schelin is being dismantled by the majority of the government in favor of private healthcare. In particular, the PD leader focused on the possibility that the left will take back Sassari with Giuseppe Mascia, candidate for mayor of Campo Largo in the city.

«We have an enormous responsibility - said Mascia - and we must work in the coming years in contact with the territory, without turning our backs on it». Next to him is Sorso's mayoral candidate Maria Giovanna Delrio: "I think Sorso - she said - deserves much more than what it has had in recent years".

At the end, long applause for Schlein and the candidates and a long number of selfies with the people present in the square.

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