Sigh of relief for the reservoirs of Sardinia, finally full after days of rain and snow. Up until a few weeks ago, for example, the Maccheronis basin in Torpè was in great pain, while today it is at maximum capacity. And even excess water is dumped into the sea.

After an autumn that put the island's stocks to the test, January's rainfall sorted the situation out a bit. But the usual dilemma returns: what is the use of conserving water, if between the large pipelines and the shabby urban networks of some Municipalities, out of five liters that leave the reservoirs, only one arrives in the houses and the other four forgiveness along the way?

There are some glimmers, at least for the waste resulting from the danger of "overflow". As the regional councilor for public works, Pierluigi Saiu, announced, " the council has allocated resources to interconnect the Sardinian basins so that in the autumn the water can be managed with dynamic lamination: it means moving the estimated excess in the autumn to the data base of average rainfall that sometimes do not occur, rather than throw it away.

The absence of the so-called "solidarity button", ie the fact that the Sardinian basins are not yet connected to each other, concretely prevents water from being distributed to the driest ones.


All the details on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands and on the app in the article by Luigi Almiento

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