After the least rainy winter since 1922 and the start of spring with few clouds, the specter of drought begins to hover everywhere, and alongside the ban on field irrigation (Alta Baronia) and the restrictions on home taps (Ogliastra) , mayors' ordinances prohibiting the use of water for watering gardens, washing cars, filling tubs and swimming pools are multiplying.

The tests

The Enas bulletin, updated yesterday, recorded almost 993 million cubic meters stored in the reservoirs (68% filling level), approximately 300 million less than in the same period of 2023.

The alert map

The map of the monthly report of the Basin Authority, which indicates the drought alert levels, is an expanse of orange flags (dangerous condition) also for the giants of the Flumendosa-Campidano, while the Alto Cixerri dams are marked in red (emergency). Only the Liscia reservoirs, in Gallura, and that of Pedra 'e Othoni on the Cedrino are doing well.

The sieve pipes

Poor management also comes from the enormous waste of water along the pipelines. For every Sardinian, two hundred liters per day, according to Istat, or 51.3% of the water supplied.

All the details in Piera Serusi's article on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands and on the app

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