A bill to have owner and animal buried together, "so that they don't have to be separated, even after death". The initiative was announced in the regional council by Laura Caddeo, from the group "Alleanza Europoa verde, Sinistra, Possibile e Articolo 1".

«For many people, dogs and cats are much more than animals. They are a fundamental part of one's daily life, a company but also more than a company: a point of reference» , explains the exponent of the opposition, «the relationship between human and animal has become much closer and more emotional over time, it is recognized unanimously also thanks to scientific evidence derived from pet therapy».

Hence the idea of regulating the sector in Sardinia. By the will of the deceased or at the request of the heirs (expressed in a written declaration), the ashes of the pet may be buried, in a separate case, in the same niche or in the family tomb of the deceased.

"I think it is a measure of absolute common sense, much awaited by those who love animals".


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