Over 5 thousand and 500 euros. Deadline October 5th. This is the last electricity bill, referring only to the month of August, received by a restaurateur on the Porto Torres seafront. Who manages a club with a maximum summer capacity (with an outdoor veranda) of about forty seats. A few waitresses and two cooks in the kitchen (he helps) as employees. A small and lively business then. On which, like so many others, the electricity cleaver has fallen.

"After the last bill I have nothing left but to dismiss most of the staff and reduce the number of seats - explains the manager disconsolately -. I was very sorry, given the relationship of esteem and friendship I had with the employees. I had no other choice, given that the previous bill, referring to the month of July, amounted to about 3 thousand and 500 euros. 9 thousand euros of electricity in two months for a small business like ours are unsustainable. In winter - he continues - I have already decided to close its doors, for the first time in many years. The Government must do something. This way it is impossible to go on . And to say that the season has been intense. All useless. Even in Porto Torres in catering, and not only - he concludes - , we risk a total lockout ".

The last bill of a pastry bar in the center is sensational: 12 thousand euros , referring to the month of August alone. Also in this case we speak of a drastic reduction in personnel. Same thing for all hotels and bed and breakfasts. So even in Porto Torres, a town that is trying to recover from the post-industrial crisis, commercial and tourist activities are receiving a fatal blow from expensive energy . And several hundred jobs have already been lost in a single month, which are added to the others in artisanal production activities. A collapsing city. And it is certainly not the only one.

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