A tradition that is repeated every year, from generation to generation, following the rituals of the past.

In the past few hours, on the Gennargentu mountains, the characteristic transhumance of the herds of the Locci di Desulo company. For the breeders, who set off on horseback from the sheepfold in the locality of "Toloviscu", in Tiana, a journey of about 30 km, through a well-organized relay.

Il passaggio in località "Guddetorgiu" (Onano)
Il passaggio in località "Guddetorgiu" (Onano)
Il passaggio in località "Guddetorgiu" (Onano)

From the crests of the Torrei dam up to the Sp7, passing through the Tascusi pass, continuing towards "Guddetorgiu" up to Punta La Marmora. A hundred beasts, which have captured the attention of motorists and passers-by, through videos and photos shared on social networks.

«We carry on the legacy left to us by our ancestors - says Sandro Locci - For some years now, being my children and a group of friends who are passionate about the equestrian world, we have been repeating it with horses instead of on foot. Our company is located just over 600 meters above sea level where the climate is mild all year round. The choice to transfer the livestock was dictated by the desire to encourage the regrowth of the pastures downstream, moving above 1600 meters where the grass is fresh and luxuriant».

In autumn, the return from the mountains to the valleys of Tiana: «We live this moment moved by the passion for our work and the love for animals», concludes Locci.

In the heart of the island, ancient traditions that resist progress and are strengthened thanks to the new generations.

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