The funeral of Giambeppe Locci, a very young doctor who died yesterday after a short illness , is celebrated today in Desulo . In just 27 years of life he had managed to give a clear and clear direction to his existence: to help others, to heal the sick. Since last year he had obtained his degree in Medicine and Surgery with the highest marks, he had also worked hard for his territory, Barbagia, where health services are increasingly lacking.

For some months he was studying to become a cardiologist, when he was struck by a tumor . On the first day of the XXXI edition of La Montagna Produce, Desulo is a town grieved by the loss of one of its best sons. "For us it is a day of almost celebration, in which we mourn the umpteenth fellow citizen who has left us - wrote the mayor of Desulo, Gian Cristian Melis - Giambeppe was an authentic gentleman: polite, polite, model student and excellent doctor " .

Despite his recent degree, in fact, he already had a reputation as a kind and always available doctor, consolidated in long and frequent medical guards and replacements of general practitioners in the towns of Barbagia. The last farewell today at 4 pm in the Parish of Sant'Antonio Abate.

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