60,000 euros for 2022, as many for 2023 and 2024. In total, 180,000 euros over three years to try to combat depopulation . Money that can be obtained to facilitate the purchase or renovation of first homes in Municipalities with a population of less than 3,000 inhabitants. As in the case of Burcei .

The provision is of the Region. And so far, eleven have applied to the Municipality. Nine are on the list, the other two have been excluded. Not much money for sure. «In fact – says the mayor Simone Monni – not much can be done with the availability of just 60,000 euros a year. An attempt above all to convince future couples to keep their residence in the country, but also to entice other people interested in acquiring residence. I remind you that the maximum contribution is set at 15,000 euros . Contributions that could in any case be used to supplement one's own money".

There is no shortage of vacant and for sale homes. The goal is to counter depopulation. A phenomenon that also worries Burcei. "I - says the mayor Monni - are of the opinion that in order to avoid the depopulation of small municipalities, it would be more appropriate to provide them with services ". As? Definitely guaranteeing healthcare, connections with Cagliari and its surroundings and essential services. For the future we will have the new road to Maracalagonis and Sinnai, we will also have the nursery school to be tendered soon with 1 million euros. But in the meantime we await the replacement of the retired pediatrician . I remember last year, we only had one general practitioner. Today they are two and only one pediatrician. I knocked on the ASL with the health councilor Tilde Scalas , urging the replacement of the retired health worker. There was a ban, but it went deserted. The manager Ugo Storelli has assured me of an encore tender, let's hope for the best. I also remind you that in recent years even the post office risked closure due to lack of personnel. This certainly does not favor births or new residences. For this, I repeat, we need to create all the essential services. And this is our battle."

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