Expensive energy , even in Sardinia , is bringing more and more companies and commercial activities to their knees . Even more so in family-run shops , and in the small towns in the center of the island, the problem is strongly felt.

The alarm is raised by the mayor of Bortigali, Francesco Caggiari , who in a long post on facebook denounces what is happening taking as an example the situation of the small Marroccu market , in the center of the town.

Caggiari publishes bills delivered in September last year and in the same period of this year on social media: 1,670 euros in September 2021, compared to 6,000 and broken this year, a difference of about 4,000 and 500 euros. "At this rate these businesses will be forced to close and with them the country will also close ",   writes the mayor. “Instead of rewarding the businesses that have decided to work and give a service to the population, they send them to the streets, with attached workers. In more advanced nations than ours, they give incentives so as to ensure that activities remain open ".

The mayor of Bortigali continues, in an interview resumed by news agencies: "This is a small family-run market, 4 brothers work there and give an important service to all the elderly in the country who have no possibility to go elsewhere. "But with these bills they can't do it, some of them will have to go home and until - wonders the mayor - will they be able to stay open ?".

"We administrators are spending our time in the trenches rather than on the planning of the institution, because they are closing or resizing everything: post office, banks, schools, health care, struggling with transport from the third world, today they want us to close also activities that allow the elderly to shop and a handful of young people to work ", he attacks." I repeat: this is how they are erasing our country . The institutions in charge take the problem to heart and offer solutions ".

(Unioneonline / vl)

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