For about a month in San Vero Milis the bell tower of the church of Santa Sofia , a Romanesque cult building dating back to the mid-1700s, has been extinct . The LEDs no longer illuminate the bell tower, complete with a clock, which remains in the dark.

The motivation? A precise choice of the parish priest , to " turn on the spotlight against expensive bills ".

"We cannot fail to communicate this pressing discomfort - explains Don Ignazio Serra , who is also diocesan delegate and regional person in charge of the Pastoral Care of Leisure Time, Tourism and Sport - and then, wondering what to do, we decided to turn off the lights to turn on the attention on this drama that different categories are experiencing, from rest homes to small shops or those who play non-competitive sports, or even families who today risk finding themselves in serious difficulty ".

An idea borrowed from the artist Christo who packed the monuments to enhance them : "We have turned off to turn on, within an initiative that we wanted to call 'M'illumino di niente' - explains Don Serra - We are experiencing a situation which can prove to be dramatic for our families who are often single-income and who risk being left with nothing if the employer has to lay off because they cannot re-enter the costs for the expensive bills: it is a chain in which jobs are lost " .

"Already looking at our small - continues the parish priest - 7 bills arrive between the Church and other annexed buildings and we have always paid between 700 and 800 euros, now we are worried about what may happen". "And it worries me to hear that the mayors say they will put out one lamp out of three, because there is also a security problem in our cities. The solution must come from above , from those with political power who must not be distracted by others. matters and must hurry, "he concludes.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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