Dying while waiting for hospitalization. Four Covid positive patients died in three days at San Martino di Oristano. They were hospitalized in the emergency room waiting for a bed to become available in one of the intensive care units of the other Sardinian hospitals.

The situation is now dramatic despite the race against time of the ASL management which reopened the Covid department in Ghilarza on Sunday. The picture had been a red alert for days. With the spread of the Omicron variant and the surge in infections in the emergency room, despite the San Martino is no longer a Covid hospital, the accesses of positive patients have resumed.

"The situation is very difficult - admitted the general manager Angelo Maria Serusi - but we are doing everything possible to try to solve the major problems. Sunday there were 13 positive patients, today we managed to halve them".

Three were transferred to the Delogu in Ghilarza in the Covid ward (for low-intensity care) and three others died. “In this case, however, we are in the imponderable, they were patients in critical conditions - he added - we gave all the assistance that could be guaranteed. The problem is that the other structures are also in an emergency ”. At the moment 7 patients remain hospitalized in the emergency room, some in serious conditions and among them there is even someone who would need to be intubated.

NON-VACCINATED PATIENTS - Anomalous influx of positive users of Covid also in the hospitals of the Sirai di Carbonia and the Cto d'Iglesias. The two emergency rooms are haywire, with the Health Department forced to study an alternative solution: to dedicate a space in the Sirai hospital only to patients affected by the virus.

It is the same director general of the Asl Carbonia Giuliana Campus who confirms the criticality of the situation, denying however those who speak of the interruption of the services provided by the two emergency rooms: "We have never denied assistance to anyone - explains Campus - at this time there are 11 Covid positive patients, all unvaccinated. Eight can be found at the Sirai di Carbonia and 3 at the Cto d'Iglesias ".

To avoid further problems in accessing the emergency rooms, the general manager confirms the possibility of identifying an equipped area on the fourth floor of the Carbonia garrison: "We are trying to evaluate with the staff how we can organize ourselves - continues Campus - this is not of a 'Covid ward', but only of an emergency room where positive patients will be placed, waiting to be transferred to Cagliari ”.


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