Tricks for children , board games and various gadgets, for a total of 1900 items ready for sale . Too bad that the goods were counterfeit and without any quality certificate. The colored loot is what was seized in Cagliari by the officials of the Customs office and the soldiers of the Guardia di Finanza. The goods were inside a container, which arrived at the Canal Port from China.

The toys were reproductions of popular brands such as Mattel and Lego . Among the packages there are also face painting bags with popular logos such as "Barbie" or "Paw Patrol". The products in question, after a check, were found to lack any authorization for the reproduction of the brands represented, as confirmed by the owners who, when contacted, confirmed the non-authenticity of the products.

But the gadgets were also found not to comply with safety regulations, made without any guarantee on the materials and electrical and electronic components used, as required by law.


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