They are in an immense hurry in the Palaces of Rome. The nuclear lords don't want to wait any longer. The radioactive lobbies are unleashed. In the department that deals with filling Sardinia with wind turbines and photovoltaic mirrors, what was once the Ministry of the Environment, they didn't even consider the problem of an unlikely parliamentary revolt against yet another decree that "subsidizes" the renewables and at the same time puts the unique repository of nuclear waste into military hands.

Zero fair play

The rule is not written, especially when the urgency does not exist, however, institutional good grace usually imposes a minimum of fair play: before activating the procedures envisaged by a decree, its conversion into law is awaited. The constitutional canons are clear: the Chambers have sixty days to examine, correct, reject or approve that measure on which the Government has chosen the fastest and theoretically safest path of the parliamentary process.

The countdown starts

Yet, the Ministries didn't think for a moment about triggering the countdown marked by the "Energy Decree" launched last December 9th by the Meloni Government. Without wasting a single moment, just four days after the publication of the decree in the Official Journal, on 13 December, the competent Ministers, Pichetto Fratin, Forza Italia, and Adolfo Urso, Economic Development, Fratelli d'Italia, gave the green light to the republication of the map with the areas which, according to Sogin, the company that manages nuclear waste and the dismantling of old power plants, would be suitable to host the single deposit of radioactive waste.

The double blitz

An act that clumsily ignored all the technical, scientific and institutional findings that should have made Sardinia disappear from that nuclear map. The one launched by the Ministries on December 13th is, in fact, the second publication in the last three years of that nefarious and already widely rejected radioactive chessboard. The first "atomic" gamble, complete with selected areas and municipalities, was carried out by the Conte II Government, with the signatures of two Grillini ministers, Sergio Costa for the Environment and Stefano Patuanelli for Economic Development. In that first list, Sardinia, despite the preliminary and reiterated opposition from the island, was included with 14 municipalities, from Marmilla to Oristano. A real "nuclear" aggression in the heart of the Sardinian hinterland. Now, however, in the Municipalities of Albagiara, Usellus, Assolo, Mandas, Siurgus Donigala, Segariu, Villamar, Setzu, Tuili, Turri, Ussaramanna, Nurri, Ortacesus and Guasila, already indicated by the Conte II Government, and confirmed by the Meloni Government, yes they must also add five other areas, this time military, on which the decree law being examined by parliament focuses. In fact, in the Government provision, an additional procedure has been foreseen to allow the "recruitment" of Municipalities or Regions that aspire, "voluntarily", to "host" that mountain of radioactive waste destined for the single national repository. In the decree, however, with an unprecedented forcing, both on a constitutional and substantial level, failing the most basic institutional "grace", it was foreseen that the Ministry of Defense, in total autonomy, as if there were a military "coup" in place on the nuclear issue, can "candidate" the war ranges to host the radioactive deposit. A "premeditated" act given that there is not a single "volunteer" on the horizon who can invoke the sending of a waste deposit to their land. It is for this reason that the Government's insidious decision to entrust, in fact, tanks and barbed wire the imposition of such a delicate and invasive choice appears, regardless of which site is indicated, a real democratic vulnerability , suddenly eliminating the powers, prerogatives and functions of territorial government bodies. What emerges in these hours, however, is even more serious. The timing set by the ministerial starter is a race against time, not caring about the approval of the measure by parliament itself. If the terms indicated on the Ministry of the Environment website apply, it means, in fact, that on January 13th the deadlines expired both for the "voluntary" Municipalities but also for the Ministry of Defense which should have respected, as indicated by the decree, the thirty days from the second publication of the sites deemed suitable for "nominating" "the interested military structures".

Military candidacy

If parliament does not extend those times (there is an opposition amendment that plans to go from 30 to 60 days), it would be much more than a duty to immediately make known which Municipalities have applied and above all whether the Ministry of "wars simulate” has put forward its candidacy. Moreover, the hypothesis of a lack of interest on the part of the Generals and the Minister in this hypothesis would be unthinkable. In that case, we would have to ask ourselves why the Government envisaged the "military candidacy" for the single depot to be built in the ranges, and then ignored it. The reality is that this military variable introduced by the Government, leaving the Ministry of Defense the right to indicate its own structures to accommodate radioactive waste, alarms the whole of Sardinia quite a bit.

Ambush on Sardinia

Much more than a real ambush. The dislocation of military bases and ranges from north to south of the island, from La Maddalena, with the island of Santo Stefano and the arsenal of Guardia del Moro, up to the 7,200 hectares of Teulada, the twelve thousand of the Quirra cliff, passing for Capo Frasca and Poglina itself, the operational base of the secret Stay Behind mission, puts the Sardinian territory before a disturbing horizon. With a further chapter: several members of the majority have presented an amendment which provides for the creation of the deposit "in depth". As if it were written there: underground tunnels of the La Maddalena arsenal. Voting will start again tomorrow in the House Committee, but the game could already be over. The question is whether the Government will communicate any voluntary "military" sites, as the thirty days for applications set out in the decree have passed. With regional elections just around the corner, it is possible, however, that the "star coup" will remain secret. Sardinia, however, has the sacrosanct right, now and not later, to know if the Ministry of Defense wants to further devastate the military areas of the island, this time by creating a nuclear waste dump inside them, on behalf of the State.

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