"The bridge we want - aerial territorial continuity and surroundings". This is the theme of the conference held in Alghero in the conference room of the Catalunya hotel.

The regional councilor Marco Tedde moderated a well-attended meeting which saw speeches, among others, by the regional councilor for Transport Antonio Moro, by the president of the Transport Commission of the Chamber Salvatore Sasso Deidda, by the professors of the University of Sassari, the president of the Chamber of Commerce Stefano Visconti and the president of the Riviera del Corallo Tourist Consortium, Marco Montalto.

Opening greetings from the Mayor of Alghero, Mario Conoci, the Extraordinary Administrator of the Province of Sassari Pietro Fois and the Rector of the University of Sassari Gavino Mariotti.

«The aim of the meeting is to overcome the convulsive phase of legitimate protests for a lame aerial territorial continuity - reads a note - and to contribute technically and politically to designing a Sardinian air transport system that starts from a true territorial continuity and effective, which assumes the ideal appearance of a true bridge between the island and the continent».

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