Double intervention during the night by the Oristano firefighters .

At about 11.30 pm a distress call arrived at the operations center following a car fire in Ghilarza , along the road that connects with Domusnovas Canales (Scala Perdosa locality).

Firefighters quickly doused the flames and made the affected area safe . No one was injured, but the car was unfortunately totally destroyed . Also on site were the carabinieri of Ghilarza and the Barracellare Company of Norbello, who requested the intervention.

At 4.30 new intervention for the fire of a car this time in Via deiRights of Man in Abbasanta . Also in this case the flames were quickly extinguished and the affected area was made safe.

The firefighters concluded the clean-up operations around 5.30. The causes are still under investigation .
Ghilarza's carabinieri were also on site as far as they are concerned.


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