He is 23 years old and has a serious mental illness that is the basis of his troubled life. He should be in a facility that guarantees him a rehabilitation and therapeutic path, yet he will spend Christmas in Uta prison, an unsuitable place to follow cases like his.

And it is not an opinion of the Guarantor, the director of the prison also thinks so and there are various orders from the judiciary which indicate the mandatory need for hospitalization in the Rems.

«The Rems is what he needs, the Security Measures Executive Residence is also nearby, in Capoterra, it is accredited to accommodate up to a maximum of 16 people and guests have the opportunity to participate in therapeutic, rehabilitation and habilitation courses tailor-made for him", is the appeal of Irene Testa, Guarantor of people deprived of personal liberty in Sardinia.

The Guarantor went to visit him on several occasions and has now written a letter sent among others to the ASL of Sassari - Department of Mental Health and to the Dap - Superintendency of Sardinia.

There is no place for him in Capoterra, the facility is full and the boy is on the waiting list. How long it will take is unclear, so a Christmas behind bars awaits the young man. "We need a temporary solution", is the heartfelt appeal of the Guarantor.

The Cagliari Local Health Authority cannot intervene, the boy does not reside in Southern Sardinia and the territorial jurisdiction lies with the Sassari Local Health Authority: «But so far – explains Irene Testa – there have been no findings. We hope they arrive as soon as possible, because the boy cannot remain 'parked'."

A clear and direct SOS: «The prisoner is in critical conditions which require timely attention aimed at implementing the constitutional principle of protection of human dignity».

«As the director of the Uta prison Mauro Porcu has already done several times – concludes the Guarantor – I urge the health bodies to identify a residential psychiatric facility with high therapeutic intensity as soon as possible».


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