«Influencers? We can all be, not just Chiara Ferragni ».

Said and done: in Capoterra , at just 29, Valentina Aramo, mother of two girls, decided to put her job aside and dedicated herself to sharing her experience as a new mother on social media. Her Instagram profile currently has 20,000 followers and her goal is to continue to inspire and support parents around the world.

The first post?

«It all started in 2020 – he explains – at the end of my first pregnancy from which Vittoria was born. I found myself in the situation of having to put my old job on hold, as it was taking up too much time and I was unable to give the proper care and attention to my newborn. During that time, I decided to share a photo of Vittoria on Instagram, never imagining what would happen. The photo went viral, garnering a large amount of likes and positive comments."

It was then, she continues, "that I had an epiphany: why not continue to share my moments as a mother and offer support and advice to families who may find themselves in the same situations as me? From that moment on, I never stopped and grew my presence on social media until it was my main job».

Michael Porcu

The complete article on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands

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