With the sudden worsening of the marine weather conditions , two canoeists in difficulty in the waters of the Poetto of Cagliari were saved by the Coast Guard last night.

The alarm went off at 5 pm when the owner of a bathhouse contacted the operations room, reporting that he had rented canoes for an hour to two German tourists, who had not returned, however.

The Captaincy, with the patrol boat CP 320, began the patrol , finding the two near the Sella promontory.

Once recovered , in an initial state of hypothermia , the two tourists were entrusted to the care of the 118 staff.

In the same time interval, thanks to the intervention of the pilots of the port, the occupants of two sailing boats and a rubber dinghy who had asked for help because they could not return independently to the port of Cagliari were rescued .

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