It is almost a year after the tragedy in via Cadello , in Cagliari, with the death of little Daniele overwhelmed by a scooter . And since February 1, 2022, the situation has always been the same: nothing has been done yet.

Now the time has always come for work: "Now we're here," explains the councilor for traffic, Alessio Mereu. «There is the decision of the manager to create two raised pedestrian crossings. Work could also start next week."

On February 1st last year, the fifteen-month-old boy was in the stroller, pushed by his mother, on the pedestrian crossing. A scooter overtaking the cars parked in front of the crossing hit him, killing him instantly. The driver had fled and then turned himself in. But the Municipality, in addition to the two raised pedestrian crossings, is also evaluating another solution: the narrowing of the roadway.

«It is undeniable that the four lanes, two in each direction, favor speed. We are verifying the feasibility for via Cadello», admits Mereu.

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