The university students of Cagliari are mobilizing and asking the University to distance itself from Israel, interrupting all collaborative relationships. The motion, accompanied by approximately one thousand student signatures, will be discussed on January 30 in the Academic Senate which will have to decide whether to approve it or not.

The document asks the rector Francesco Mola, the director Aldo Urru and the academic Senate itself to «adopt a resolution of solidarity with the population of Gaza and with all the civilian victims, condemn the collective punishments and the incessant attack on civilians , on the institutions educational institutions and hospitals as assets of a civil or non-military nature, engage in tangible acts of solidarity and partnership with Palestinian university institutions, affirm that to put an end to violence we must put an end to its main cause: apartheid and Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories".

An " agreement valid until 2024 with the University of Haifa " is in the spotlight, write the students who ask for its termination and refusal of new and possible collaborations. The motion will be examined only at the end of the month but in the meantime the University of Cagliari, in a note , « reiterates and affirms with strength and determination its vocation as a place of research, study and higher education, an inclusive place where all components of civil society . Therefore, it is clear that no clear position can be taken towards political ideologies, neither against nor for".

The only position of the Sardinian university, «in line with the Italian universities and with the Crui, is of absolute neutrality and impartiality, underlining the firm condemnation of the acts of violence and barbarism that occur daily in war scenarios, not only in Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but also in other nations of the world."


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