The new metropolitan help desk for citizens for the use of digital services of the public administration was inaugurated this morning in Cagliari, with headquarters in viale Francesco Ciusa 21 .

The service will be managed by four young operators (digital facilitators) of the Digital Civil Service and aims to help citizens use the main digital services of the Metropolitan City, but also to activate and use the SpID, the electronic identity card, the pagoPA and the AppIO .
In addition to the desk, which can be accessed by appointment, the dedicated telephone number 0704092272 and the e-mail address will be available for requesting information and bookings.
"We are particularly proud to have activated this helpdesk which will give four young people an opportunity for professional training and personal growth and will also allow for the digital inclusion of those citizens who do not yet use the digital services of the public administration, especially the elderly ", he commented the mayor Paolo Truzzu.
"The new service - highlighted the metropolitan councilor responsible for Planning Umberto Ticca - is aimed at all citizens of the metropolitan area, and therefore we also invite individual administrations to promote this opportunity in their municipalities".


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