Signs and photos with the main "unsolved problems" of Cagliari were exhibited today on the Sant'Elia seafront during a meeting organized by the center-left to bring out what they consider the issues to be unsolved for the city: from public works "stopped or slowed down ”, to the theme of safety, mobility, up to waste, urban planning and forgotten suburbs.

Two and a half years after the beginning of Mayor Paolo Truzzu's mandate, the appeal of the center left: "If you think about the encore, we are convinced that it is not the best choice for the city, given the failure of the center right shown so far, with ordinary management lacking and a non-existent vision of the future ". All the opposition group leaders were present, starting with that of the Democratic Party, Fabrizio Marcello." We had eight million surplus in 2018, we had 17 in 2019 and 20 million in 2020: it means that the he administration was unable to spend this money - Marcello urges - and also that you did not spend on public works and above all on ordinary maintenance. We have already made some proposals such as the stretch between the Palabanda gate and Piazza Garibaldi to try to increase pedestrian traffic by encouraging above all proximity activities - he argues - or another theme is that of freeing public spaces for the activities that arise ".

Marzia Cilloccu, from Progetto Comune Cagliari, pointed the finger at the "abandoned civic markets, such as that of Santa Chiara where it has gone from 10 to 2 occupied boxes and the disabled cannot enter". Andrea Dettori (Left for Cagliari) recalled that "the suburbs are left alone", while Matteo Massa dei Progressisti stressed that "the Park of the rings is still halfway through and the project for the stadium is at a standstill and I fear we will never see it".

(Unioneonline / ss)

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