Giorgia Paravagna, 42 years old from Mulinu Becciu, is no longer in a coma. The woman is still hospitalized in the intensive care unit and the doctors keep the prognosis confidential given the severity of the traumas reported on Monday afternoon, when the 42-year-old was hit while crossing the road on the pedestrian crossing in via Peretti.

The accident occurred in the same spot where fifteen-year-old student Guan Xuanming was run over and killed two months ago. Investigations into the dynamics are underway by the agents of the accident section of the Local Police. According to the first version, the woman was reaching the bus stop, crossing from the McDonald's side to the opposite side. She passed the flowerbed and after a few steps she was hit by a car, an Audi Q3. The impact was tremendous.

The driver, a 32-year-old, stopped immediately and raised the alarm. The 118 ambulance arrived immediately and was urgently transferred to the nearby Brotzu hospital with a red code assigned. The impact would have occurred in the central part of the road . But even in this case the presence of the flowerbed in the central traffic island could have had an influence, despite it having been partly eliminated to allow motorists to see if there is anyone crossing. Local police officers interviewed some witnesses and interviewed the driver of the Audi.

Meanwhile, the Municipality has announced that the two raised pedestrian crossings in via Peretti will be built within a few days .

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