"Increasing the number of licenses by 20% will not solve the problem of the few taxis in the city."

The taxi drivers of Cagliari reject the Asset decree which allows the regional capital municipalities home to a metropolitan city or airport new concessions through an extraordinary competition and much more streamlined procedures.

Municipalities will be able to issue additional, temporary and seasonal licenses to those who already have them. For the representatives of the 105 taxi drivers in Cagliari, the provision will not be useful in increasing the number of white cars on the roads.

«Paradoxically, the Municipality could grant many more licenses than the 21 in the controversial decree», says Massimo Orrù, representative of Silt (Italian Free Transport Union). «Before evaluating whether and how many permanent permits to put into circulation, however, the problems that we have repeatedly reported to Palazzo Bacaredda must be resolved».

At certain times of the day finding a taxi is a challenge. «We are not discussing the fact that a few more permits could be given – adds Orrù – but first we ask that we be given the possibility of better organizing the work ». «Don't forget – he underlines – that in this period the city is a work in progress. The travel time has doubled and, therefore, the available taxis are halved."

A 24-hour strike was called on Tuesday 10 October.

Andrea Artizzu

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