A new regional hub against bullying, cyberbullying and gender-based violence.

The office is already operational in via Peretti in Cagliari: in the field of lawyers, psychologists, criminologists and sociologists for a prevention campaign. But also of help, when you are faced with an ongoing harassment. Experts ready, announced the head of the Sardinia Libra Foundation, Giovanni Deplano, to enter schools.

"A phenomenon that worries us and that is increasingly rampant", the words of the councilor for public education Rita Dedola. "Our goal is not to eliminate it, it would be impossible, but to put in place the tools to fight it and, in some way , limit it and govern it ".

Prevention, the experts stressed, will be based on constant dialogue with the "educating community", from parents to teachers, passing through sports coaches. Also to give the right tips to those who, for personal reasons, do not know how to act and what to do in front of chats, photos and videos that are exchanged on the web.

An intervention, that of the Foundation, which starts from the latest worrying data released by a research in Sardinia by Eurispes. The results? One in five children (19.6%) said they had been subjected to digital harassment, "rarely" in 10.3% of cases, "sometimes" in 7.8% and "often" in 1.5% . At the top of the list are silent phone calls, phone pranks and the intentional exclusion of someone from online groups.

Digital bullies have no gender: they are, to the same extent, girls, 49.7%, or boys, 50.3%. They are aged between 13 and 19 and use group chats and individual messages, WhatsApp, Telegram and similar applications.

The identikit? Teens who are anxious, insecure and generally part of a known circle, who especially target those who are unable to defend themselves or those with a physical handicap.

(Unioneonline / vl)

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