There is the Pacinotti scientific high school at the top of Cagliari's high schools. In Eduscopio's usual annual study, the institute in via Liguria is still the best in the capital (and also in Sardinia). The research on the Agnelli Foundation portal takes multiple parameters into consideration: the first is that relating to the average university grades obtained by high school graduates. The other, however, takes into account the university credits obtained in the first university year: both indices, however, are related to the different type of faculties and that of the individual exams.

Pacinotti achieved a score above 75, at a safe distance from the other scientific institutes, but also from the other institutes in general. In fact, Alberti is positioned behind with 72, in his version of applied sciences (the traditional scientific one, however, is stuck at 66.5). Third step of the podium for another scientific one, Euclide , with just over 70. Outside the "medal zone" there is the first classic, Dettori , which collected an overall score of 66.9, better than all the other institutions of the same type. In fact, among their counterparts, Vittorio Emanuele and Motzo follow, with Siotto in fourth place.

Among linguistics the first is Eleonora d'Arborea , who brings home a rating of 55.6, while among technicians the best is Bacaredda . The situation is different if the ranking is drawn up based on the possibility of finding work after completing school: in this analysis, the best of all is the technical-technological Marconi , decidedly separated from the second, Mattei, and the third, Meucci. .


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