In the name of Antonio Gramsci, the ransom of six women from Sant'Elia in Cagliari , all mothers or workers. The vicissitudes of life had led them to abandon their studies. Now they want to complete the course and have enrolled in the CPIA (provincial center for adult education) in their neighborhood. And thanks to a podcast on the great Sardinian intellectual, father of the PCI, they won a cash prize, which they invested to buy books and achieve their goal: the diploma.

Theirs is an all-female class. In contention with the "ordinary" students of numerous "ordinary" schools in Sardinia, the women of Sant'Elia achieved second place in the 21/22 edition of the "Immaginando Gramsci" competition, promoted by the A. Gramsci Casa Natale association. di Ales, the Gramsci Institute of Sardinia and the association for Antonio Gramsci di Ghilarza, with the scientific support of GramsciLab - Interdepartmental Study Center of the University of Cagliari. The first prize went to the fourth B of the Asproni di Iglesias.

The students of the Cagliari neighborhood participated with the work “Audio letters for Nino”: they are the ones, with audio created ad hoc, who answer some of the letters from the Gramsci prison.

The texts chosen have proposed numerous reflections on the present and on daily life, on the condition of imprisonment, on the suffering of a father who cannot attend the growth of his children and of a politician who fights for his ideas. Thus in the letters of response from the students, we read in a note from the school, "deep reflections on the issues raised by Gramsci are intertwined with the personal experiences and experiences of the students, capable on the one hand of updating some issues by making them resonate with today , on the other hand, to bring political and social issues into a local and individual context, sometimes with different difficulties ”.

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