Pain is not written, it is lived. It is the last farewell to Najibe Lavinia Zaher, 19 years old, one of the four young lives who passed away in the tragic dawn of Sunday 10 September, in the dramatic accident on Viale Marconi in Cagliari.

Tears, desperation and silence accompany little Najibe's coffin. All in white, was the request of the best friends on social media: "She hated black, we ask you to dress in white, her favorite color, to make her happy while she watches us from above."

The funeral was celebrated according to the Islamic rite by will of the family: the father Omar Zaher, municipal councilor of Selargius, is Palestinian. The desperation of the parents who accompany their daughter on her last journey is immense.

In Assemini, at the same time, farewell to Alessandro Sanna, another of the four victims.

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