Cagliari aims to become more and more green. After the second European place conquered in the 2024 edition, Cagliari takes the field again , this time with the support and coordination of the Metropolitan City, and is a candidate for Green Capital for 2025. The prestigious award, established by the European Commission in he scope of the European Green Capital Award, aims to reward green European cities with over 100,000 inhabitants that can be taken as a model for their own innovative and sustainable solutions.

To promote the candidacy, a public consultation is active until 25 April to collect projects and programs underway in the metropolitan area relating to environmental and sustainability issues. Both actions that have already started and are being implemented to be implemented in the immediate future may be presented.

«On April 30 the deadlines for the presentation of the candidacy dossier will close», says the deputy mayor and councilor for strategic planning and urban development and public green spaces Giorgio Angius, «which will be enriched by numerous interventions started in the last year. Subsequently, the European Green Capital Award technicians will express their opinion on the documentation and communicate which cities will be competing for victory in the October final in Tallinn, the current Green Capital in office: Cagliari starts from an excellent result in 2022 and we count on improve it further, describing the work that the administration has carried out in recent years and future projects».

The consultation is aimed in particular at environmental associations, representatives of public administrations and local authorities, third sector entities and citizens self-organized in informal groups , businesses and representatives of the world of work, active citizens and all those who intend to contribute with their initiatives.

A final report on the results of the consultation will be made public in May.

Mayor Paolo Truzzu explains the reasons for the candidacy: «Initiatives linked to greenery and sustainability», he explains, «are at the heart of the planning not only of the Municipality of Cagliari but also of the Metropolitan City, and we believe that Cagliari, with the support of whole territory , has all the requirements to apply and take home this award. In this sense, the increased involvement of the Metropolitan City, a body in synergy with the Municipality in many projects, will allow for an even more robust and credible candidacy. We also trust", he concludes, "in the contribution of ideas and proposals from the citizens and from all the various stakeholders who have Cagliari at heart".


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