The negotiation for the relaunch of the Cagliari canal port suddenly collapses. The QTerminals company, based in Qatar, has withdrawn from the negotiations with the port authority, started two years ago, on the management of the container and cargo terminal. A cold shower announced with a concise note: “After careful consideration”, they write from Doha, “we have decided not to continue with the project”.

An interruption of the dialogue that took place "abruptly and, in some ways, unexpectedly". The authority had done everything to try to close the agreement that would have allowed the traffic of containers to be restarted in the now almost deserted port: those just passed were two years "during which both the top management and the structure of the Authority have constantly supported the numerous and necessary due diligence activities: from the various and accurate quayside inspections of the managers and technicians of the company, up to the timely updating of technical and statistical data, historical and projection sector".

Today the announcement of the hole in the water. President Massimo Deiana informed the trade unions, which represent the numerous workers in the transshipment sector. Then it will be the turn of the comparison with all the institutions involved "for a common analysis of future strategies for the recovery of the sector".

Irritated by the outcome of the negotiations, the president of the port authority, Massimo Deiana: "I am sadly and somewhat disappointed with the change of direction of the QTerminals" , he explains, "an important international player who, for over two years, has engaged our body, supported by the Italian Embassy in Qatar and by Invitalia, in a delicate work that we were confident could end with a historic agreement for the relaunch of the Cagliari Transhipment sector ”.

Instead, “we take note, even with some surprise, of their choice, which in any case we respect. Having overcome the disappointment for this abrupt halt in the negotiations, we do not intend, however, to stand still and watch. The mother of all battles must continue. Immediately after the discussion with the unions, we will reopen the game, continuing the talks with other operators who, in the last period, have expressed their interest and with whom, prudently, we have never stopped talking, trusting in the renewed support of all the institutions that we will call to participate in a common table ".

On the quay, on the Giorgino side, there is no longer the desolation of the past: from just over 21 thousand Teus in the period January - September 2021 it has gone to over 46 thousand in 2022.

In addition, the Zes and the Zona Franca Doganale Interclusa have recently been established, which should start in 2023. Kalport (Karalis Agency for Port Work of Transhipment) has also been established which, for the next three years, will keep together and enhance a cluster of proven skills and technical quality.

"We have a new element of strength constituted by the recent results achieved by the terminal operator who is positively operating in the areas of the complex that have been granted a concession", Deiana underlines, "unequivocal demonstration of the potential of the area and of the terminal quay of the canal port and of the fact that there are all the conditions to continue, with determination, in the promotion of the compendium ".

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