The maniac is back. Reports and public complaints are multiplying on the actions of a man who wanders around in the night between Cep and Fonsarda, in Cagliari , terrorizing young women who come home or take the dog for a walk: he observes, stalks and, if he can, gropes or makes gestures vulgar flaunting the private parts. It had happened in the past few months, it's happening again.

The alarm echoes from via Vesalio to via Paruta: here, a closed road that returns to via Machiavelli, a few nights ago a very young girl was approached as she returned after an evening spent with friends. The man chased her to the door and, luckily, she was quick and managed to close it in his face.

According to the account of witnesses, who observed the movements of the maniac after the potential victim had managed to escape him, the maniac hid in the bushes, and then disappeared after a period of stalking.

The tam tam in the neighborhood has become insistent and the residents are afraid: "Our girls must be able to move when and how they want at any time, without having to have an escort," says a mother who at the moment prefers to remain anonymous. Because this is happening: at night the young girls cannot go around alone and we organize ourselves to defend them. Among the various buildings, in the area of via Paruta, the installation of cameras is being hypothesized.

And thus be able to frame or, at least, intimidate, the hooded and – apparently – masked man who is terrorizing entire neighborhoods.

It is not excluded that it is the same subject that struck during Ateneika, the party organized at Cus: a girl had been groped while she was secluded away from prying eyes, in the parking lots on via Is Mirrionis ( HERE THE NEWS ). Meanwhile, numerous signs threatening the person responsible for the obscene acts have appeared in the area .

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