A brothel was discovered by the police in Cagliari.

The apartment is located in a condominium in Sant'Avendrace and the business was managed by a 57-year-old Chinese woman who was reported for exploiting prostitution.

The owner of the flat, unaware of everything, had rented it to a Chinese woman who, in turn, had given it to the complainant.

The dating business was advertised on some websites and various social channels.

Thanks to reports from the neighborhood, the Falcons of the Flying Squad identified the house where there were continuous comings and goings of people during the day and night, at any time.

The officers identified some customers who had just left and then knocked on the door to check. As soon as they entered, however, they too were mistaken for customers and were therefore offered the possibility of choosing one of the girls for a "special massage".

A thousand euros in cash and hundreds of condoms also ended up under seizure.


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