The third edition of the "Gianni Massa" Prize organized by Corecom was staged in the Transatlantic of the Regional Council of Sardinia . The theme this year was "The ecological transition and information" .

Three sections of the call: journalism, school and university . Participants were called this year to produce papers (articles, projects and degree theses) on the theme "The ecological transition and information", a subject increasingly at the center of political debate and European and world projects. "It is one of the initiatives of CORECOM Sardinia to promote media education - explains the President of the Committee, Sergio Nuvoli - the responsible use of the means of communication, knowledge, the ability to analyze and critically interpret languages, of the contents and messages transmitted. We think that the memory of one of the greatest Sardinian journalists will also be preserved by inviting the younger generations to imitate his critical spirit and intellectual honesty ».

Awarded in the journalism section: Eleonora Bullegas , Michela Columbu and Fausto Piu and the project conceived by a group of students from the Primo Levi Institute in Quartu which concerns the creation of a Web radio.

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