Moments of fear, last night, in a house in Cagliari, where a 42-year-old man lashed out in a threatening way first against his wife, in front of his underage children, and then also against the carabinieri, who were forced to use the taser to immobilize him and then arrest him on charges of mistreatment in the family.

The soldiers of the Stampace station received the alarm around half past midnight and immediately a patrol of the mobile radio section went to the house, where the man, in front of his children and in the grip of alcohol fumes, had addressed serious threats and insults against the ex-partner.

When the men of the Arma arrived, the 42-year-old - already known to the police - was in the bedroom and, on the nightstand, kept a knife close at hand . At the sight of the carabinieri, the man, instead of calming down, went even more into a rage, putting up resistance and trying to attack them. At that point he was "neutralized" with the electric pulse gun.

Then the release of handcuffs and the transfer to the security rooms of the Villanova station, awaiting the very direct ritual before the judge.


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