New and super-technological classrooms will arrive, but it will still take some time.

What the Cagliari Prosecutor's Office will need to close the investigation and "free" the area that is now off limits where a year ago (on 18 October, around 10pm) the building that housed the former Aula Magna of the faculty of Geology , in via Trentino (luckily at that time without students or teachers).

One year after that Tuesday night which only by chance was not a tragedy, there is no longer any trace of that near-massacre in Via Trentino.

Having cleared the rubble and made completely safe, the area is now just waiting for the arrival of bulldozers and workers : the University of Cagliari, in fact, already has the project for the new building, which also includes the redevelopment of the nearby buildings.

«Our priority is the safety of our community's places of work and study», says the rector Francesco Mola. On the one hand, the students look favorably on the «initiatives of the university which has intervened in the last twelve months to make several buildings safe», (for example in the engineering faculty), but on the other they note that «despite being a national problem of universities and schools of all levels, our buildings are very old and therefore not always so safe."

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