The planting of 134 palms of the Washingtonia species on the Poetto seafront in Cagliari started today.

Financed with React-Eu funds, the works are part of the redevelopment and recovery project of 26 city green areas .

«In the next few weeks - explains the deputy mayor and councilor for public parks Giorgio Angius - Lungomare Poetto will be 'compensated' for the damage caused in recent years by the dreaded red weevil . The 134 specimens of Palma Washingtonia, a species more resistant to the Asian beetle, will fill the gaps that have arisen and will restore continuity to the splendid double row that characterizes our most loved beach".

The intervention began on the border with Quartu, near the Ottagono bathing establishment , with the planting of 18 palm trees. It will go back up to Piazza degli Archipelago, in front of Marina Piccola.

"The works - continues Angius - are preceded by instrumental checks through geo-radar, in order to avoid slowdowns due to the presence of sub-services".


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