Someone entered the room with their head down. Others took courage and told the truth: «It was us, we are sorry for how we acted. We apologize and are ready to make amends." The baby vandals who damaged the area in front of the Scalzi museum in Piazza Stagno in Cabras a few days ago have repented. But not only that: during a meeting with the mayor Andrea Abis and the Is Curridoris association (which manages the exhibition and the green area), they promised to collaborate in the care of that space.


After learning that the local police were working to view the images of the cameras to try to identify those who had torn down the iron poles, torn the ropes, abandoned rubbish and reduced the enormous Is Curridoris sign to smithereens, the boys decided to come forward. About ten very young people (aged between 14 and 16) appeared before the association's board of directors and the spokesperson admitted responsibility.

The meeting

The board together with the mayor Andrea Abis organized a meeting, which was also attended by the councilor for social services Laura Celletti. «What is striking and worrying is the motivation for the gesture - explains the mayor - Everyone said they had acted in that way out of boredom, therefore without any particular reason". However, Abis does not hide a certain satisfaction with the epilogue of the story. «It wasn't a given that they would decide to tell everything and apologize – he observes – This is a victory for us, a beautiful page to tell because there must be collaboration with the institutions, no distance». And again: «We must all work together for the good of the children, especially those who suffer from some discomfort and do not have a specific goal to achieve. Talking to them was important for us, we understood for example that sometimes they find themselves alone and without a guide." And in the meantime, the Is Curridoris association led by president Alessio Camedda has decided to involve the kids who have been taking care of the green area in Piazza Stagno in the evenings for a few days: they collect waste, paint the walls and fix the poles. «The young people responded positively to our appeal - concludes Abis - In this way they feel useful, they become a resource for the whole community. The association is operating in an excellent manner."

Sara Pinna

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