Starting today, August 10, and until September 17, the Sinis beaches will be supervised by lifeguards: one in San Giovanni di Sinis, one in Is Arutas and one in Maimoni. In Cabras, the administration led by Mayor Andrea Abis has finally found a solution to the problem of the beach rescue service which has caused a significant delay in the presence of lifeguard personnel in the turrets.

«This year, for the first time, we found ourselves having to face the serious difficulty», observes Abis, «of not immediately finding the offer of the lifeguard service. It wasn't easy but we demanded the guarantee of a fair wage for those who work in an activity of particular responsibility and who must see the professionalism and qualification of the operators as the first point. The costs that will have to be incurred have grown significantly.

The Municipality of Cabras received regional funding for the service of 34 thousand euros and contributed an additional 10 thousand euros from the municipal budget, managing to guarantee the presence of three workstations.

«If we had to organize the service in an optimal way, considering for example a dozen workstations and for three months of activity, with the current prices of assignment we would have to face an inaccessible expense for the municipal budget, reaching over 400 thousand euros» , continues the mayor, «it is urgent that the matter be addressed on the regional table in a different way: it is necessary to program a plan with risk levels and assign a correct contribution to the Municipalities at the beginning of the year. Only in this way could we return a true general and tourist security service".


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