Bosa is flooded because there are too many relatives in the village. It seems a paradox but, in summary, this is the reason that prevents the approval of the project, ready for years, which would limit the flooding of one of the rivers that create the problem in the town of Planargia during heavy rains.

The first green light came 12 years ago. But every time the plan arrives in the town hall, for the final vote, the quorum is never reached: there are always those who are forced to leave the courtroom because they are related (up to the fourth degree) or with the owners of the land concerned or with someone involved in the design.

The mayor Piero Franco Casula takes care of clarifying the picture of the hoax. First the description of the state of affairs: «The waters of Rio S'Aladerru, Rio Codulanu and the southern slope of Bulga (road to Montresta) discharge on the buried canal of via Lamarmora. The section of the canal, although clean and free from obstacles», he explains, «can't receive all this water and, when it rains heavily as in the last few occasions, it overflows in the high areas». So here is that the water flows into the streets and immediately floods the center, to then slowly flow out.

The solution is there. And a big problem too. The project for the arrangement of the watercourses "was approved by the Casula junta since 2010 and brought to the municipal council on several occasions where, due to incompatibilities - kinship or affinity with owners and planners - the quorum was always missing".

On paper, the construction of a new canal is planned to intercept the Rio S'Aladerru and divert part of the flow: it would not be the end of the floods, but the work would help reduce the impact of the rains.

"Five administrations have failed to approve this project in the municipal council due to lack of a quorum", adds the mayor, "those who have a fourth degree of kinship and affinity with landowners or others affected by the passage of the channel"

Seven years ago an ad acta commissioner was appointed: he concluded his office in 2019 but he has not come full circle either. New attempt to vote under this administration, but the result has not changed: the quorum has not been reached.

Thus the intervention of the Region was requested: in October the meetings multiplied. a crack seems to have opened. Meanwhile, Bosa is flooding.

And the provincial road 49, which leads to Alghero, is still closed: an inspection by the Province of Oristano is expected for today to verify the stability of the collapsed ridge.

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