Engine failure for a pleasure boat in the river port of Bosa.

The staff of the Maritime District Office of Bosa intervened on the spot, as part of the Mare Sicuro 2023 operation. The boat, while proceeding to return, had a sudden engine failure and, thanks to the weather conditions, found in a few moments close to the breakwater of the mouth of the river Temo .

The boaters called for help using the blue number 1530: the SAR CP 835 patrol boat immediately arrived on site and rescued the two boaters, not without difficulty . Therefore, to avoid the risk of marine pollution and safety, the vessel was hooked up and towed to the river quay in the port of Bosa.

Once at the mooring, the boat, due to the leaks reported with the collisions with the boulders of the breakwater, is semi-sunk. At that point, the Coast Guard soldiers, under the coordination of the Oristano Port Authority, surrounded the vessel with floating booms and followed the operations of buoyancy, towing and hauling of the vessel with local divers from Nautica Pinna. In this way the risk of pollution was avoided.


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